(702) 647-2525
Licensed and Bonded - #0040387

Quartz Finish

A clear swimming pool

High-quality pool finish with Quartz

Quartz is combined with natural, pure, non-fading quartz aggregates that are further enhanced with Portland cement. This leaves pool owners with an extremely durable and attractive pool finish. Quartz aggregate is smaller than pebble and is readily available in a variety of colors. Finishing your pool with quartz will ensure that your pool’s plaster stands up to even the harshest of pool chemicals. With a colorful and long lasting appearance quartz is also comfortable and slip resistant!

Available Colors

First row are standard colors, second row are upgrade colors.

Completed Pools With Quartz Finish

A residential pool area

Blue S Quartz

A pool area with big rocks

Cayman S Quartz

A big pool space

White Quartz


Upgraded Blue Quartz